Posts Tagged ‘skin’

Are the effects of skin whitening pills the same as in creams and injections?

Question by lolwhut.: Are the effects of skin whitening pills the same as in creams and injections?
Do not compare me to Micheal Jackson. He was not Asian. And he did numerous amounts of plastic surgery. I, however, have nothing against his white skin due to his Vitiligo.
So please, all I ask is for a mere straight forward answer instead of a “No! LoVe ThE wAy YoU aRe!”, etc, or else I’ll laugh. Because I don’t think I could afford them either way.

Best answer:

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How do you get rid of plexiglass off your skin?

Question by goodlookingpuck: How do you get rid of plexiglass off your skin?
I work in a plastic injection molding building and when i’m cleaning the parts, I get plexiglass all over me. I’m trying to get the plexiglass off me.

Best answer:

Answer by Huyvww
for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems

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