Posts Tagged ‘plastic’

Q&A: Do you anyone who conduct a training (teach) on Plastic Injection Moulding?

Question by dfs raj: Do you anyone who conduct a training (teach) on Plastic Injection Moulding?
I am seeking a trainer who has the expertise to teach a group of machinists and technicians on Plastic Injection Moulding? If you are one or if you know someone in Malaysia or Singapore please email me the details.

Best answer:

Answer by gazzarang
If anybody would know, these guys would …
Society of Plastics Engineers

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What kind of pipe is used in making plastic injection moulding machine?

Question by momin_moin2006: What kind of pipe is used in making plastic injection moulding machine?
I want to know whether seamless pipes are used in making plastic injection moulding machine

Best answer:

Answer by Bert K
Yes, seamless pipes are used.


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