Posts Tagged ‘makes’
need help on finding a machine that makes plastic bottles?
Question by 00mar7: need help on finding a machine that makes plastic bottles?
injection molding… 5 gallon tanks of water.. need help.. i actually own a water refinery in mexico.. but i need a machine that could help me make more bottles.. business is growing fast.. please im searching for some.. but all seem to be in china.. wtf.. china.. their cheap for 8k.. but shipping kills you… lol.. please if anyone can help.. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Txchick
As someone who has ordered from China I feel your pain. We are in this really awkward point in between it being cheaper to order from China and it being cheaper to order within the US. It stinks. Machinery happens to be the one thing that is really hard to find within the US. You would be better off dealing with China for one last time.
Best of Luck!
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What company makes plastic bags for grocery stores?
Question by funk0311: What company makes plastic bags for grocery stores?
I have searched high and low to find out what company makes plastic bags for say like walmart. i know they are partally recycled, but what is the company that sends the plastic through an injection mold and ships it out.
Best answer:
Answer by J. P.
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