Posts Tagged ‘guitar’

Q&A: What factory processes to make guitar parts?

Question by cajunwarrior: What factory processes to make guitar parts?
I was wondering for factory-made guitars, what processes are used to mass produce guitar parts. As the Tone controls are most likely a thermoplastic and so made by injection moulding, but how about the other parts of a guitar? Like the scratchplate?

Best answer:

Answer by dreamchanter
See how Gibson guitars are made:


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Q&A: manufacturing process of acrylic guitar? ?

Question by Nick S: manufacturing process of acrylic guitar? ?
Hi, I’m currently doing a piece design technology work in which i have to outline the main process in making an acrylic guitar base. However i am unable to find any information which is clear and easy to understand, basically can anyone tell me how it would be done? eg. blow molding or injection molding.

Best answer:

Answer by RWhycome
I’m not sure it’s the most practical method for making an acrylic guitar body but here’s one way to do it that wouldn’t require an expensive mold. You would start with a slab of acrylic ordered in the desired thickness of the body. The profile of the body would then be rough cut slightly oversize on the band saw. Next the profile and the internal cavities would be cut to shape by a template guided router or a CNC milling machine. Finally the machined edges would need to be sanded smooth and polished either mechanically and or chemically until the edges become clear. To find out for sure how it’s done you should contact Ampeg, a company best known for it’s guitar amplifiers. Back in the sixties Ampeg, in collaboration with a guy named Dan Armstrong produced a guitar and a bass that had bodies made out of Plexiglass. If anyone knows how it’s done these guys do. Best of all the company is still in business and has recently reissued these plexiglass guitars. Give them a call. Hopefully they will help you out. Good luck.

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