Posts Tagged ‘different’

Q&A: microbiology question about cleaning different items?

Question by just me: microbiology question about cleaning different items?
How do we clean each item to rid of bacteria
drinking water
agar medium
lab bench
open wound
skin before injection
petri dish-plastic
antibiotics in aqueous solution added to agar
which would you use: antibiotics, antiseptic, disinfectant ect

Best answer:

Answer by Thanx
drinking water= boil it
agar medium= using a steam autoclave to produce moist heat. Other methods, including filtration, ethylene oxide, radiation, or ultraviolet light, may be necessary if components are heat-labile or materials are not heat-resistant.
lab bench= Clean the lab desk top with disinfectant at the beginning and end of the lab.
open wound= wash it with soap and water, apply antiseptic.
petri dish-plastic=filtration, ethylene oxide, radiation, or ultraviolet light.

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