Poll: How do you feel about plastic surgery….?
Question by Miss A: Poll: How do you feel about plastic surgery….?
a) ok for someone else, but not for me
b) definitely something I would do if I was disfigured or scarred
c) something I would do to make me look better physically (breast implants, lipo, lip injections, etc.)
c) been there, done that
Your answers are greatly appreciated!
Sorry. The last c should be a d.
Best answer:
Answer by I kissed a girl and I liked it.
c) something I would do to make me look better physically (breast implants, lipo, lip injections, etc.)
btw you put c twice.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
A and b. Don’t mind if other people do. The only reason that I ever would is if I were disfigured!!
B) I’ve had scar removal done, but I don’t think that’s particularly vein.
C) I’d think about it. I mean, if the technology is there and you can afford it, why not?
B. I think people spend to much time worring about their looks!! But if I was born with a difigurement or hurt in a accident, then yes I would want it corrected.
e) (because you used two “c’s”). It doesn’t effect me at all because I don’t have anything on me made of plastic that needs surgery.
a) ok for someone else, but not for me
God made me, I think it’s kind of blasphemous to try and improve on His perfection.