Plastic housing?

Question by dan0032000: Plastic housing?
Why has there never been an attempt to make houses useing plastic mold injection techniques. It seems it would be a low cost solution to the housing crisis face America. the bottom could be filled with sand for stability and surface painting could protect them from sun damage. the posabilities are endless
If flamahbility were an issue , Im pretty sure it could be sprayed with a flame retardent.Plumbing and electrical would be simple as removeable panels and once in place could use spray foam insulation in the walls
Actualy it could be made as a singular unit , and delivered much the same as trailer houses, walls could be almost any desired depth
Surely youre not refering to the same substance that childrens playhouses are made from and left in the yard in the sun,
I dont think it realy poses much of a threat, however if the science bears out , there are many coatings and sealants that could be aplied to contain any possable contaminants

Best answer:

Answer by athiestforthebirthofjesus
my guess is that such houses would not meet code-requirements.

would there be flammability issues as well?

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2 Responses to “Plastic housing?”

  • SKG R:

    It is comming in parts for the house it may take time for a full house as there are problems.

  • Boy:

    Effect on environment and Health, you & me. As the strong sun-light, plastic housing will emit some toxic gas which may effect on our health and environment.