Does anyone in California or elsewhere feel the plastic surgery pressure?

Question by Tar: Does anyone in California or elsewhere feel the plastic surgery pressure?
I live in the OC and everywhere I turn I see plastic surgery.
I see the old ladies with their stretched faces and crazy eyes then the soccer mom’s, and then the younger girls with their perky D cups. Usually it never got to me, especially since growing up in the Midwest, but lately as I cruise the beach, the bars, myspace, facebook…. ahhhh… you name it, it just surrounds me. I use to make fun of the girls with all the fakeness but now as one after another of my friends gets another boob job, nose job, and lip injection… I am starting to doubt myself. Now I want something done just so I can be in the club. Sounds ridiculous but the mentality that surrounds me tends to love the perfections of surgery beauty. Does anyone feel this weird pressure? Does anyone, ladies and guys, think it’s becoming cliche?

Best answer:

Answer by lonbear2000
Any lady that gets a boob job should be smacked. Many, many, of us men love the smaller busted ladies (A cup). I can understand some procedures like if a person lost a lot of weight and needed to have skin removed.

I do not think there are enough surgeons to help me.

Add your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to “Does anyone in California or elsewhere feel the plastic surgery pressure?”

  • elisha:

    I have never felt that pressure but I get where your coming from I seriously dont think you should get any time of cosmetic surgery cause natural is always best and thats what makes you better than the rest of the people your around!

    If you were ever gonna get plastic surgery you should get it to BOOST your confidence not to be like your friends!

    I think artificial beauty is becoming as very normal and accepted in many parts of the world such as Korea so many of the GIRLS get surgery by the age of 16 and just about every korean celeb has had surgery (eyes, nose, chin)

  • lovetotalk:

    I think they look like cartoon characters, but not everyone can be naturally beautiful I suppose. Lip injections are hysterical!!! I guess I take my full lips, and other genetic gifts forgranted, because i can spot a fake pucker a mile away!!! hahaha It’s too funny! Lived in SoCal for a bit, and never again. Those chicks are crazy w/ the plastic parts and fake hair! While it’s really funny to laugh at, it’s crazy!! I feel bad for them!!!! But it’s like a trainwreck, it’s like a huge train plowing down thousands of sheep in one big swoop.

    Please don’t be a sheep!

  • TrueBlueAlex:

    In a way, yes; but, for the most part no. I DO understand what you’re saying though… But, seriously, no “club” is worth being in if surgery is the initiation/key/ticket/etc.!!!!! It isn’t really “in” either… Those injections are NOT good for the body at all! I think they’ll have some icky effects someday, and we’ll be glad that we didn’t jump on that bandwagon!

    IF I had enough money to actually be able to afford a plastic surgery – it might be tempting, although it seems like a lot pain to go through for no reason; and there are SOOOO many other things that are far more important and fulfilling than some fake surgery – like: helping those less fortunate, helping animals, standing up for our Constitutional Rights, being green, going shopping for new clothes and shoes…

    Plastic surgery is a gimmick so that doctors/surgeons make more money anyway… What is prettier than perfect nature? Nothing. Nothing that is man-made will ever come close to being as beautiful as nature. Yeah, it is really difficult to NOT be another member of the plastic surgery herd, especially in a society that is based on (fake, plastic) looks (where they ALL pretty much look the same too!).

    And, even those who do resort to plastic surgery, THEY’RE STILL NOT PERFECT!!!!!
    It is easy to go by what you see on the outside, but you don’t live on the outside of your house either.