Presentación interactiva en 3D de las inyectoras FULTECH.

Live injections of soft tissue filler Restylane by New York plastic surgeon, Dr Jennifer Walden. Restylane is a product that is used for facial folds and wrinkles and is injected here into the tear trough (undereye hollows, nasolabial folds (laugh lines) and lips.


  • mattpowelluk1:



    Hola CORAZZAMAN. Te ruego visites nuestra web y podrás ver el valor añadido de Fultech. Sobretodo en el bajo consumo que tenemos y en los precios razonables en nuestros repuestos. Un ejemplo, una 650t Fultech de la serie FV realiza bidones de 20ltrs de 850grs en 19seg y consumiendo POR CICLO 170vatios. Y además, tenemos técnicos en España y América Latina.

  • corazzaman:

    fultech o husky aun tengo dudas


    Hola. Puede contactarnos por telf: FULTECH GROUP: +34 938 604 581
    Con sede en Barcelona – España. Y con agentes y técnicos en España y América Latina.Cuando sepamos el país donde tiene su empresa le contactará el agente de Fultech más cercano. Esperamos ser merecedores de su confianza.
    En el YOUTUBE si pone la palabra FULTECH podrá ver vídeos de nuestras máquinas trabajando.

  • hete03:

    Estamos interesados en la adquisicion de esta maquina, como seria el contacto.


    FULTECH GROUP: +34 938 604 581
    Con sede en Barcelona – España. Y con agentes y técnicos en España y América Latina.



    Buenas tardes. Le ruego se ponga en contacto con nosotros vía email. Tenemos precios muy competitivos según el tamaño de máquina.

  • ayrton347:


  • cayoyo26:

    muy bueno

  • riotgrrrrl17:

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s like being stung by a bee hive! The price of beauty. They never showed the results!

  • Lynnmist:

    @2dboy ty. yeah i dont have the money to keep going back. hope someday very soon they find something permanent that is completely safe and affordable. maybe i’m just dreaming but i hope so lol.

  • 2dboy:

    @Lynnmist no way! it fades really quick. At least it did for me
    I did botox 3 times and that also went away after about 6 months. I admit I liked the results, but the time frame it lasted is just so short and i dont have the money to keep doing it.
    Just make sure to go to someone reputable – dont cheap out

  • Lynnmist:

    @2dboy really thats not long at all. i was told it can last all the way up to 5 yrs.

  • 2dboy:

    @Lynnmist mine lasted about 3 to 4 months

  • Lynnmist:

    How long does Restylane lip injections last? Anybody?

  • SheBarX:

    Doesn’t mixing with Lidocaine reduce the amount of Hyaluronic Acid ?

    I mean, If you have a 24mg/ml HA, and you add 1ml of something else, you reduce it to 12mg/ml..

    There’s a new technique that allows no anesthesia and no bruising with only one point of entry, then the long needle slides under the skin (needle has a blunt tip. Its not sharp)

    It’s called Dermasculpt cannula. Google it !

  • fk1386:

    Omg how much did he/she put in her lips! That must have cost a bomb. Still, she does look better after!

  • axlfoleyfanatic:

    There is nothing wrong with a woman or a man wanting those fine lines and wrinkles gone , but have you had a look at Axl rose now ? He is using it to often , and to much

    His face , especially his forehead looks like porcelian . I think if I ever got this done , I would go for Collagen . It is what our skin is really made up of anyway . It just diminishes as we get older , so why not put it back in to the skin . Going under the knife , Like they call it…. is to dramatic for me

  • meowmeowkitty3:

    it looks very good…do you risk hitting an artery, especially being so close to the nose? Or is the artery so deep and the needle so close to the skin that you have few problems…just scared I may be the only one who ends up losing half my face cause they got it into one of my arteries…

  • PirateKing1256:

    Restylane is a organic or a inorganic sustances? If it’s organic it will break down.

  • SamaraSizzle:

    ah that is crazy to look at. But this doc def. seems to know what she’s doing so i guess anyone could be at ease.

  • jamie2quinone4u:

    This doctor makes it look like it doesn’t hurt….

  • RockSushi52:

    wow this Doctor makes it looks so easy, very surprising to see a patient so relaxed during this injection too!

  • Aries0913:

    wow.. just had this done…didnt know it looked so crazy. Didnt feel as bad as it looks thank God!